M2M Solidarity
Shared notions of solidarity from Komotini in Greece and Barcelona
Is there a culture of European solidarity? Yes, if you look at the local level. Experiments with new forms of democracy have transformed many local communities in Europe.
For people in Komotini (Greece) and Barcelona (Spain), solidarity means community and taking action, especially in times of crisis. Engaging in politics at the municipal level allows communities excluded from society to make their voices heard and, most importantly, to empower themselves and improve their lives. Under the umbrella of M2MSolidarity both municipalities have elaborated a joint photo essay that shows inspiring stories of trust and resilience. By exploring their visions of solidarity they identified three themes that conceptualize how they have taken action: Solidarity to combat social isolation, Solidarity to help save the planet and Solidarity to combat poverty.
This photo essay is an outcome of the M2M Solidarity project initiated by the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. The project brought 11 European community-based projects together in groups of two or three with a brief to each to produce an expression of European solidarity.
Theme 1: Solidarity to combat social isolation
Theme 2: Solidarity to help save the planet
Theme 3: Solidarity to combat poverty
About the participant organisations
Barcelona en Comú
Barcelona en Comú (Catalan for “Barcelona in Common”) is a citizen platform launched in June 2014 that is currently governing in minority in the City of Barcelona. Its policy agenda includes defending social justice and community rights, promoting participatory democracy, introducing mechanisms to tackle corruption, and developing a new model of tourism for Barcelona.
To understand the principles of Barcelona en Comú and how they came about, visit: https://barcelonaencomu.cat/sites/default/files/win-the-city-guide.pdf
Komotini Municipality
The city of Komotini is a unique cultural entity in Greece. It is a patchwork of different cultures, formed due to its key geographical location, with its inhabitants coexisting peacefully over the years. Its turbulent history endowed it with “multiple” identities, which can be seen in its monuments and neighborhoods. In Komotini we share a common vision. Through collective efforts, we promote social cohesion, and we advocate for the right to live with dignity and to have equal access to our services. With these two pillars we are facing the consequences of the economic crises of recent years – and of course Covid -19- with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life.
To learn more, visit https://visitkomotini.com/
About the Logo
In this series of posters we tell stories about the people, “the real everyday people”, behind the acts of solidarity in Barcelona and Komotini. The objective was to create an icon that will show how by coming close to one another we can face every upcoming crisis.
The word “solidarity” is transformed into a logotype. It is no longer just a word on a book, a newspaper or a magazine cover. It’s an image, an icon that compacts the entire concept behind this initiative. This logotype is an artistic representation of all that. That’s why it emphasizes the word “solid” and brings the letters closer. In the center is a red dot – a symbolic use indicating the person or the idea behind the act.
We hope that it will be a symbol to use in many other posters, web sites and promotion; An image that people immediately understand even before reading the rest of the information.
The M2M Solidarity project creates peer-learning exchanges between these collectives, and seeks to contribute to a revival of European solidarity.